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Project of department of dermatology
University Gugliemo Marconi, Rome, Italy
Statement of cooperation


Oxidative stress and vitiligo

Oxidative stress plays a major role in the genesis of vitiligo disease.

It represents an imbalance between the production of free radicals and the body's ability to neutralize them. Usually, antioxidants are used to remove the oxidative stress of the body, but if the balance is disturbed, this can lead to various diseases such as vitiligo. Free radicals are harmful, as they are molecules containing oxygen, free electrons. These free electrons are associated with molecules of the body react with them and can damage them. This occurs when free radicals interact with the wrong components such as DNA, lipids and proteins. They steal electrons from these elements, which destabilizes the cells, and which, in turn, destabilize other cells. This chain reaction may have a devastating effect on the body and leads to the development of the disease, which can vary from vitiligo to cancer. Our body uses antioxidants to help and prevent occurrence of this chain reaction.
Antioxidants bind electrons to the free radicals and thereby protect the cells. The oxidative stress happens if there is a balance between antioxidants and free radicals.

Vitiligo and intake of antioxidants

Increasing antioxidant intake is a simple step that can be a positive influence in the treatment of vitiligo, no matter what the cause of vitiligo. Some nutritionists believe that increased dietary intake of antioxidants and other healthy vitamins and minerals, helps to control autoimmune diseases. Even if vitiligo was provoked by something other than oxidative stress, only adding antioxidants to the diet has a great benefit to the body.
In a study published in "Experimental Dermatology" in 2013, researchers found that most people newly diagnosed with vitiligo have a sudden drop in antioxidant levels. The researchers state: "Moreover, our recent studies show that oxidative stress is the initial activating factor for the appearance of vitiligo." This shows that the balancing of the antioxidant levels in the body may reduce or eliminate the symptoms of vitiligo.

Research for vitiligo and antioxidants

Numerous studies have examined the association between oxidative stress, antioxidants and vitiligo. In different studies from 1995, 1999 and 2001, published in Investigative Dermatology offers intake of antioxidants patients currently under UV therapy for vitiligo. The researchers found that patients taking antioxidants have better levels of repigmentation compared with patients who are subjected only to UV therapy.

In 2006, scientists from Russia explore how oxidative stress affects vitiligo. The researchers found that  lesions of vitiligo, generate large amounts of superoxide anions, which are harmful free radicals. In the study, 25 participants with vitiligo was given complex of antioxidants, catalase and superoxide dismutase. This treatment restored pigmentation of the skin lesions at all.

In Gujarat, highly industrialized and very polluted province in India there are many patients with vitiligo. Reference is comparative study, which so far has not been conducted. In the case of blood samples from patients with vitiligo of different age groups (5-15, 16-25, 26-35, 36-45 years) and of the same age groups of healthy volunteers. Assessed antioxidant enzymes in the blood such as catalase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and non-enzymatic antioxidants such as reduced glutathione and plasma vitamin E, has significant increase in the levels of superoxide-dismutase activity and lipid peroxidation in erythrocytes in all age groups of patients with vitiligo compared with healthy control groups. The highest levels of 55% of the increased free radicals is in the age group 35- 45 years. This is the first report on the status of antioxidants in the blood of patients of different age groups. The disease affects individuals of any age group, as shown in this study and systematic oxidative stress can trigger pathogenesis of vitiligo in predisposed patients.

Antioxidants for the treatment of vitiligo

If you have vitiligo, increasing intake of antioxidants may be the key to stopping the progression of the disease and even skin repigmentation.
It is experimentally demonstrated that keratinocytes obtained from vitiligo zones plates generate large numbers of superoxide anions - reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide. This is a known free radical toxic to melanocytes.

It is now known that patients suffering from generalized form of vitiligo has an imbalance between oxidant and antioxidant systems.
Appropriate means of food antioxidants in the treatment of vitiligo are  the series of ViTiX. The products have no side effects and showed excellent good tolerability. ViTiX series contains powerful antioxidants that restore physiological levels of catalase activity.

ViTiX regulating gel contains a concentrated plant extract, protected by patent, a powerful antioxidant effect due to catalase.

ViTiX acts locally in the epidermis and creates ideal living environment of melanocytes (cells that produce pigment in the skin). Repigmentation of lesions can be seen as small spots of round or irregular shape where the melanocytes are not completely dead in the lesion.
In combination with phototherapy, the first results are visible between the second and fourth month of use of ViTiX.

ViTiX tablets are antioxidants in the form of a dietary supplement that first act directly in the source of free radicals. ViTiX tablets are first antioxidants that combine primary and secondary antioxidants.

VitiColor is a SELF TANNING gel that is specifically designed for patients with vitiligo. It masks the lesions, giving the skin a natural look.